flatbed trucking

How Professionals Prepare for Heavy Haul Shipping?

Hauling heavy loads long-distances is not as simple as placing it on the appropriate trailer and hitting the road. Professionals know that hauling heavy freight is different than hauling a dry van cargo packed with skids of soup or crackers. There’s a great deal of expertise involved when shipping heavy items.

Steps Involved in Safe and Efficient Heavy Haul Shipping

Not every trucking company, 3PL, or shipping company has the experience or the capacity to be shipping heavy items. Large industrial components, farming and construction vehicles, rolls of steel and oversized, overweight materials require special expertise that not all dry van logistics companies are prepared to handle. There are very stringent rules and regulations involved in shipping heavy items that differ from the loads handled by dry van services. Here are some of the important things to consider when hauling heavy loads.

Choosing the Right Trailer

Most 3PL providers that facilitate the contracting of companies experienced in shipping heavy items know that choosing the right trailer is the first step in the process. There are many other things to consider besides price; safety is of utmost importance, especially for heavy, oversized loads that will be hauled down public roads and highway. Various types of flatbeds are almost always the best choice, given that heavy items can also be oversized in width, length and height. Step-deck trailers are also a great option although they can cost more given their versatility and their lower trailer bed. Considering all elements of the process, including ability to safely load, unload, and secure the freight, is important when choosing a trailer.

Knowing Accurate Dimensions of Your Load

Every province and state in North America has guidelines that govern the safe transportation of heavy, oversized loads. Accurate measurements of each load are necessary to determine how shipping can be carried out, what strapping might be needed to secure the load, what routes can be taken, and how large an escort team may be required to accompany the shipment during its journey. Some trailers have weight limitations. Some equipment may be required to be partially dismantled before being shipped. Securing accurate measurements will be an important step in the shipping.

Picking the Best Company

Shipping heavy items is not for the inexperienced trucking company or amateur hauler. There are far too many logistical decisions involved to leave such jobs to anyone but skilled professionals. The best course of action is to work with an experienced 3PL provider like NATS Canada, a company with a long track record of facilitating the shipment of heavy oversized loads. NATS Canada works with a network of companies across North America to ensure the best partners are lined up to take care of the shipping.

Safety is the number one consideration when shipping heavy items, and NATS Canada only works with companies that have sterling safety records. Far too many things can go wrong when hauling large loads. Knowing the risks and mitigating them is critical. No matter where or what you’re hauling, work with NATS Canada.

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